Further Reading about Taciroglu Family

If you want to learn more about the Taciroglu family history, you have come to the right place. This page contains a list of resources that can provide further reading about Taciroglu family to deepen your knowledge and appreciation of your ancestry. While our website offers a broad overview, this bibliography serves as a gateway to a wealth of resources that will deepen your knowledge and connection to the Taciroglu lineage.

The history section of our website is not a rigid, definitive account but rather a vibrant tapestry woven from the threads of oral narratives and personal experiences passed down through generations. We recognize that official records, while valuable, may be incomplete or inaccurate. To capture the essence of our identity and culture, we prioritized preserving the stories and traditions that define us. Furthermore, these narratives are not just historical anecdotes but living reflections of who we are.

Beyond Official Records

While official records provide valuable insights, they present only a partial view. Our approach acknowledges that historical documents often focus on legal matters and disputes. For instance, court records, while informative, do not fully encapsulate the richness of our family’s journey. To complement these records, we encourage you to delve into the intimate stories within our immediate families. These stories unveil the intricacies of our personalities, values, and aspirations, providing a holistic perspective that official records alone cannot convey.

Bridging Historical Gaps

As researchers and scholars delve into the Taciroglu family history, we anticipate a growing wealth of information from diverse sources. The ongoing translation of Ottoman Turkish records into modern Turkish exemplifies this continuous effort to unveil historical context and events that shaped our ancestors’ lives. However, it is essential to recognize that the true depth of our history lies not solely in official documentation but also in the cherished stories of our forebears.

Tecirli Project: A Guide to Family Research

To assist you in embarking on your journey of family exploration, we recommend referring to the Tecirli Project. This research project provides invaluable insights into collecting and documenting your family stories, empowering you to unveil the unique narratives that contribute to your familial identity.

Further Reading about Taciroglu

The resources compiled on this page are the culmination of extensive and meticulous research. Drawing from a diverse array of sources such as books, articles, websites, archives, and interviews, we have strived to present you with the most accurate and reliable information about our family history and heritage. We encourage you not to overlook these resources, as they have been thoughtfully curated to enrich your understanding and appreciation of your roots.

Embark on this journey, explore the narratives, and let the Taciroglu family history become a living, evolving story that connects generations past, present, and future.


Adil, Mehmet. Tarihte Alcı-Tecirli (Beğdili-İlbeyli-Elbeyli) Türkmenleri Soykimlikleri. Kahramanmaraş: Ukde Kitaplığı, 2006.
Ahmet Cevdet Paşa, and Yusuf Halaçoğlu. Maʻrûzât. Türbe, İstanbul: Çağrı Yayınları Türbe, İstanbul, 1980.
Çelik. Akif Bilge. “Fırka-i islâhiye.” Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, 2008.
Demirbaş, Sahir. “15 numbered Şer’iyye Register Notebook of Niğde and Niğde according to social, administrative religious, legal and cultural points of this notebook. Based on 622 A. D. 1328 (A. D. 1911), (166-216 among the pages).” Niğde Üniversitesi, 2003.
EYİCİGİL, Ahmed. “Maraş’ta 1855’te Tacirli Aşireti’nin İsyanı.” Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 19, no. 30 (1997): 99–133.
Gökçe, Osman. “ANADOLU’DA TECİRLİ AŞİRETİ (1453-1650).” Blog. Prof. Dr. Osman Gökçe (blog), November 27, 2010. .
Gökçe, Osman. “TECİRLİ DEDİĞİN.” Blog. Prof. Dr. Osman Gökçe (blog), May 13, 2010.
Gündal, Azmi. “10. Niğde Şer`iyye register H.1318-1324/M. 1900-1906.” Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, 2006.
Kılıç, Soner Gülseven. “4. Niğde Şer’iyye register h.1311-1313 / b.c.1893-1895(first 191 pages).” Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, 2006.
Kuzucular, Şahamettin. Çukurova Gâvurdağı Tarihi ve Türkmenleri. Ankara, Turkiye: Akademisyen Kitabevi, 2018.
Polat, Murat. “According To Archival Documents, The Resettlement Of The Tecirli Tribe.” Journal of History School (JOHS) 11, no. XXXV (August 2018): 687–725.
Sansar, Fatih. “Turkmens Clans in Çukurova in the 19th Century: Cerid and Tecirli.” Studies of the Ottoman Domain 3, no. 5 (August 31, 2013).
SOLAK, İbrahim. “IN XVI. CENTURY DULKADIRLI TURKOMANS MARAŞ AND CLOSE SURROUNDINGS.” Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, no. 12 (2002): 109–54.
Taciroglu, Ali Tuncer. Exploring Family Legacy: Tuncer Taciroglu Shares Bahattin Taciroğlu’s Stories in Interview with Son Ali Taciroglu., 2000 1991. [Our Website]